When we talk about designer hand bags, the women usually come to mind as these items are part of the women's wear every time. No woman goes out without toting a hand bag - this is where she puts her lipstick, cream, and all other stuff she needs to freshen herself up anytime. The women's designer hand bags have been top sellers in drop shipping online and this line of business has even become of world wide proportions now.
This is not the case anymore, however - designer bags for men have also come into being. Not that a man carries around now lipstick too - you are just being unnecessarily malicious. The "carry-alls" (what the men's hand bags are called) are meant to be used to put their music player, iPhone, keys, laptop, billfolds and wallet too. The coming of all these modern electronic gadgets have dictated the need for something with which to put them all in one container, as it is quite inconvenient to bring them along without a carry-all. A man's pockets will not be sufficient for these things. What man's pocket, for example, is big enough to carry a laptop?
That is why the very same designers of the women's hand bags have thought of making the masculine version of the ladies hand bags. The House of Gucci, haute couture, Dior, designer Jean Paul, Louis Vuitton and designer Jean Paul are in the forefront also in the making of the men's carry-alls, fast becoming the craze among the male population. While the men are more conservative in their spending on these things, being the bread winners for their families, they somehow have to find ways to procure the carry-alls, because they are necessities now when they travel.
The designer top brands in women's hand bags are also the favorite brands of the men buyers now in their carry-alls. Drop shippers are noticing a fast rise in their sales on these items. There is no problem though in the delivery of men's carry-all to the men's homes - the same wholesale people handing the deliveries of women's hand bags just add the carry-alls in their rounds of delivery to the homes of buyers.